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rus_title|Порожки ПВХ Bayser||rom_title|Praguri||eng_title|Floor strips||eng_text|

The floor strip is designed to overlap the joints of floor coverings, where it is necessary to imitate the natural wood. Due to the laminate covering achieves a high degree of wood imitation, which gives special decorative properties.

Sibling floor strip of plastic profile Bayser. The floor strip is laminated with wear-resistant pellicle colored in wood texture. The textured pellicle has a degree of durability. The pellicle is very high quality and conveys the texture of natural wood. The floor strip is fixed hidden way of fastening. Is completed with fastening materials and plastic fasteners for hanging in the trading room. The product is packaged in individual thermo-shrink pellicle that ensures the safety of transportation and gives an excellent aesthetic appearance.

Plastic floor sills - the most economical way to design the joints. Usually they are used for laminate floors, linoleum, as well as in finishing complex (curved) profiles of joint of different floor coverings. The advantage of such floor strips - a variety of colors.


Pe această pagină vă propunem să faceţi cunoştinţă cu profilele lineare de diferite tipuri, pe care le producem, dar şi cu produsele care la prima vedere sunt nesemnificative, dar fără ele nu ne putem închipui interiorul de azi aşa cum îl cunoaştem.



Acestea sunt:

Glafurile (pervaz) – cred că fiecare persoană cunoaşte pentru ce sunt folosite;

Profil montant pentru geamuri PVC – sunt folosite pentru montarea ferestrelordin PVC, în acest profil se montează deversoarele şi glafurile;

Şină de protecţie din PVC pentru podea – sunt folosite la trecerea dintre diferite tipuri de podea;

Colţ perforat – sunt folosite la colţurile pereţilor şi arcadelor pentru o rezistenţă mai mare;

Corniză pentru tavan în două rînduri - sunt folosite la atîrnarea draperiilor;

Diblu din plastic – este folosit la montarea sistemelor de izolare termică a faţadelor.



Această listă nu este deplină, ea se înoieşte periodic, deoarece noi lucrăm permanent la lărgirea acestei game de produse.


rus_title|Дюбель||rom_title|Diblu||eng_title|Dowel||tur_title|Paraşüt Dübel||eng_text|


Plastic dowel for thermal insulation installation (Styrofoamor mineral wadding) production;

Dowel Bayser for facades, or, as it is called parachute, umbrella, designed for fixing insulation materials to the base of the concrete, or brick, lightweight concrete (foam and aerated concrete), natural stone and other building materials. In fact, the facade dowel is a product belonging to the category of hardware in the form of a fastening element - it is just a facade anchor plastic sleeve with a cap. The advantage of dowel Bayser - that plastic is not converted into thermal bridges in the winter, thus eliminating heat loss, and does not corrode, which means very long service life. Plus, the facade dowel Bayser is very simple and easy to install, special design reduces the work time with our dowel for 30 percent, while its tensile strength is higher than traditional wall dowel with the core.


Facade dowel Bayser is a product in the form of a pin. At the top of dowel is a wide flat cap, and its end portion transverse prongs are "sliced" circumferentially. The diameter of dowel’s cap is about 55 mm, an outer diameter of the dowel’s body about 14 mm and a length of 100 mm. The prongs serve as fasteners: when driving in dowels, they are bent against the motion of dowels taking the form of fir tree. Thereby dowel is firmly attached at the foundation.


Facade dowels are widely used in the installation of ventilated facades. With the same efficiency and a high degree of strength the dowel is able to fix the front plug on the vertical walls of most types of thermal insulation, both soft and hard. Typically, the dowel for insulation is used when there is a need of mounting strips or plates made of mineral or glass wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane and others, identical in physical properties of materials.


The facade dowel Bayser is installed as follows. First thing is marking the location of the insulation plate. Next, to the foundation (the wall) is applied a heat insulator and through it is drilled a hole with a diameter of 10-12 mm, deeper than the length of dowel for 5-10 mm. Then dowel for insulation is inserted into the drilled hole and pressed inside till his cap reaches the heat insulator.

Bayser Paraşüt pratik Dübel 
(Köpük, mineral yün,strafor) ısı yalıtımı  montajı için plastik praşüt pratik Dübeller;
Bayser dübel,  beton, tuğla, hafif beton (köpük ve gaz beton), doğal taş ve diğer yapı malzemelerini yalıtım malzemelerini sabitlemek için tasarlanmış paraşüt, pratik dübeldir. Korozyona  karşı dayanıklıdır. Bayser  çekme dayanımı özel tasarımı sayesinde yüksek bir performans sergiler farklı duvarlara montajda  standartların üzerinde performans sağlamıştır , Bayser dübel  ile çivisiz dizaynı ile  montajda yüzde 30  çalışma  zamanını azaltır.

Bayser Dübel   çivi şeklinde bir üründür. Üst kısmı geniş düz dübel kap ve bir uç kısmı enine pronglar çevresel "dilimlenmiş" vardır. . Ortalama şapka çapı yaklaşık 55 mm,  dübel dış çapı yaklaşık 14 mm ve 100 mm uzunluğundadır, Sabitleme dairesel dişler rol oynar,dübeli duvara çakınca dairesel diskler çam ağaçları şeklini alır ve  çekme pozisyonunda karşı bir kuvvet sağlar. 








Colțuri perforate de plastic "Bayser"

rus_title|Пластиковые перфорированные уголки “Bayser”||rom_title|Colțuri perforate de plastic "Bayser"||eng_title|Plastic perforated corners "Bayser"||tur_title|Bayser Sıva alçı Köşe profilleri||eng_text|

Plastic perforated corners "Bayser"

Perforated PVC corner or plastic corner found the mostwidely use in the finishing works both inside and outside the premises.

Plastic corner is used for the exact geometry of wall anglesand slopes, protection and enhance angles drywall partitions and cladding frommechanical damage and to align the angles of the room, before painting,plastering, pasting wallpaper or other types of finishing. Subsequently, theplastic perforated corner "Bayser" allows you to preserve permanentlythe look of the angle, having secured the plaster from mechanical damage.



The size of this finishing material is 25x25 millimeters.The selvedge of the corner is straight, with a length of 250 or 300centimeters. Lightweight of perforated corner is to minimize the weight of thesurface, where it will be installed. With perforated corner will not bedifficult to create a perfectly flat angle without chips and chipping.


In section perforated corner Bayser has an acute angle (85°), which provides at its installation snug fit to the surface angle of theseptum. Due to its structure perforated PVC corner feats perfectly to any walland forms straight right angles.

Perforated PVC corners "Bayser" - is a practical,convenient, and inexpensive material. The plastic corners have a long servicelife, corners of PVC does not corrode and are lightweight.


When installing corner in the perforations penetrate filler,previously stamped on the corner of the structure. Using a spatula solutionequals to the same level with the plane of the wall.

Serkan-Plast Company produces plastic perforated corner"Bayser" of high-quality environmentally friendly materials.

Plastic perforated arched corner "Bayser"

One side of the corner is perforated, the second has a notches.This design allows you to bend the corner to a certain radius. This is used forcreating geometrically correct angular edge of arched openings and othersmoothly curved corners. Mounts to drywall using a stapler. After that, on thearea is applied putty with a spatula and is attaining the same level with thewalls of the adjacent surfaces. Dimensions of the plastic corner are 25x25 mm,length can be 2.5 or 3 meters.


Bayser Sıvaalçı Köşe profilleri 

PVC Sıva alçı köşe profilleri 25*25 köşe ve ark şeklinde üretilmekte.

Oksitlenmez metale karşı en büyük avantajıdır .

Betona uyum saglar çatlama yapmaz soğuk sıcak değişim eğrisi betona yakındır.

Köşelerde ideal düzgünlük saglar köşe düzeltmelerinde size yardımcı olur. 

2,5 ve 3 mt uzunluğunda üretilir 

PE  Pakette 50 adet  olarak paketlenir.



Universal corner PVC (white and wood texture)

Universal corner profile of PVC with a soft middle for finishing works. Universal corner profile - an independent decorative element for finishing joints and junctions. A strip of soft plastic material, which connects the two parts of the corner, allows you to use profile both internal and external, not adhering to the restrictions of the standard 90-degree corner. The corner can be more obtuse or acute depending on the room layout.


Using universal corner Bayser you can issue external and internal wall corners, the joints between the panels in wood color, not just white color.

Wallpaper, drywall, MDF panel – Bayser corner protects all joints and decorate the interior.

The advantages of Universal corner Bayser

The corner protects joints from moisture, abrasion, cracking, the appearance of mold and fungus.

The corner has high flexibility: it will take the shape of external and internal angle, and it is exactly the shape that form the joined surfaces.





Universal corner PVC (white and wood texture)

Universal corner profile of PVC with a soft middle for finishing works. Universal corner profile - an independent decorative element for finishing joints and junctions. A strip of soft plastic material, which connects the two parts of the corner, allows you to use profile both internal and external, not adhering to the restrictions of the standard 90-degree corner. The corner can be more obtuse or acute depending on the room layout.


Using universal corner Bayser you can issue external and internal wall corners, the joints between the panels in wood color, not just white color.

Wallpaper, drywall, MDF panel – Bayser corner protects all joints and decorate the interior.

The advantages of Universal corner Bayser

The corner protects joints from moisture, abrasion, cracking, the appearance of mold and fungus.

The corner has high flexibility: it will take the shape of external and internal angle, and it is exactly the shape that form the joined surfaces.





Profilul instalare fereastră

rus_title|Подставочный профиль||rom_title|Profilul instalare fereastră||eng_title|Window installation profile||tur_title|Pencere Montaj kutu profili||eng_text|

Window installation profile

It is difficult to overestimate the role of window profile. This is the base of window construction, on it is mounted the tide and windowsill, it abut mounting wedges, instead of abutting on the box of the window block. When properly installed it will not freeze.


PVC window profile is connected to the frame profile in the bottom of glazing. He needed to be placed under the frame and tide of the sill. Thanks to window profile, water doesn’t reach the assembly seam. With the use of window profile the sill is placed under the frame, which will ensure its safe installation and more aesthetic appearance of the assembly.

The window profile is not just used for fixing the window sill and drainage, it is also an additional stiffening plate to the box.

The window profile is not used only in the case if there is no window sill and never will be.


Pencere montaj profili


Kutu profili pencerenin altına vida yardımı ile tesbit edilir denizlik montajı için uygundur.

Pencere ve denizlik montajında pencerenin hasar görmesini engeller  denizlik montajında  pencere  ile  uyumu sayesinde hava  izalasyonunu sağlar.


Pervazul ferestrei ascunde diferența dintre grosimea pereților și jardiniere, organiza tranziția de la spațiul interior la lumea exterioară. Nu e de mirare aceste date aparent modeste sunt întotdeauna arhitecți, astfel atente si designeri. În cele din urmă, pervazul este funcțional și decorarea casei - puteți seta ghivecele de flori, suveniruri și alte lucruri frumos și util.



Productie de ferestre din PVC Glafuri Bayser - un proces high-tech separat, inclusiv disponibilitatea de echipamente moderne, personal cu înaltă calificare pentru a asigura funcționarea stabilă a echipamentelor high-tech, folosiți materii prime numai ecologice. În producția de glafuri de ferestre din material plastic, firma noastra foloseste materii prime din cei mai importanti producatori.



Praguri Caracteristici.

, Rezistent la apa, rezistent la flacără prag durabila este confectionat din 100% de prima clasa din PVC rigid.

Rigiditatea structurii - o rigidizare de design îi conferă durabilitate extremă.

Rezistența la zgârieturi și pete suprafața superioară a pragului acoperit cu un film special termokleenoy, ceea ce face rezistent la zgârieturi și pete agresive.

Glafuri de retenție de culoare păstrează perfect culoarea lor în timp sub acțiunea razelor ultraviolete.


Ușor de praguri de îngrijire nu necesită nici o vopsire sau lacuire suplimentar, nici grijă deosebită.